Opening of the 25th poesiefestival berlin

What if we built it and the center held?

2024-07-04, 6:30 PM

Kuppelhalle | 9/7 € Tickets

Every summer, poesiefestival berlin transforms the city into a place for poetry. The festival brings contemporary poetry’s formally diverse world to life and invites artists from around the world to the stage. To mark its 25th anniversary, Haus für Poesie is opening this year’s poesiefestival with a special event to celebrate the international and creative city of Berlin with a diverse program.

Logan February from Nigeria, Zoncy Heavenly from Myanmar, and ariel rosé from Poland are three artists who currently live and work in Berlin and they will give readings and performances. In addition, Slovenian poet Barbara Korun will read from her poems and Berlin musician Masha Qrella will perform songs based on texts by Thomas Brasch. One significant focus of Haus für Poesie is to inspire young people to develop an interest in poetry and to promote young talent. Having taken part in the national competition for young poets “lyrix,” Gabriel Jakob Hoffmann, Tonda Montasser, and Mona Ilena Schlegel will read from their texts on this evening. A highlight of the evening will be an commemorative anniversary speech by Marcel Beyer, one of the most important poets in contemporary German-language literature.


Anniversary speech: Marcel Beyer

Readings: Logan February, Zoncy Heavenly, Barbara Korun, ariel rosé, as well as “lyrix” participants Gabriel Jakob Hoffmann, Tonda Montasser, and Mona Ilena Schlegel

Music: Masha Qrella

Project management: Jutta Büchter

Berliner Künstler*programm des DAAD, lyrix – Bundeswettbewerb für junge Lyrik, Slowenisches Kulturzentrum SKICA Berlin. poesiefestival berlin is a project of Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and Akademie der Künste and is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.