What is the poesiefestival berlin?

Considered the largest of its kind in Europe, poesiefestival berlin was founded in 2000. Each year, it offers a program with more than 150 renowned poets and artists from all over the world.

poesiefestival berlin is a project of Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and Akademie der Künste and is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

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Who organises the festival?

The poesiefestival berlin is organised by the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with its partners and supporters.

How does the poesiefestival berlin finance itself?

I am an author. How can I participate in the festival?

Usually, our project managers curate the festival events and invite authors.
If you have a project idea get in touch with the programme team of Haus für Poesie mail@haus-fuer-poesie.org.

How can I become a festival partner?

We are open to any kind of collaboration requests. Write to mail@haus-fuer-poesie.org.

Whom can I contact if I have further questions?

You can write to presse@haus-fuer-poesie.org. We will forward your request to the right person.