Poets´ Corner in Hohenschönhausen


2024-07-10, 7:30 PM

Cabuwazi-Zirkus, Wartenberger Str. 175, 13053 Berlin | Free entry

Where artists usually perform their acrobatic feats on a high wire, we will use the space to juggle with words, free from giddiness, and, should the weather hold, next to Cabuwazi circus. While we should manage to avoid close calls, we may still see tension between body and word, whether during the act of writing itself or in the moment of speaking and performing a text. Words may jump between languages and bodies, may maintain or skillfully lose their balance, may stretch, bend or make themselves very small: Clear the stage for poetry.


With: Jo Eckert, Mel Manuel Irmey and Alum Collective 

Moderation: Alexander Lehnert  

Umsonst und draussen: Lichtenberger Kultursommer. poesiefestival berlin is a project of Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and Akademie der Künste and is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.