Poet’s Corner Spezial Steglitz-Zehlendorf: Im JUNIVERSUM von Monika Rinck

2023-06-08, 7:30 PM

This evening stages poetry and its translation as a collective experience. Many international perspectives on Monika Rinck’s poems will come together: Together with the author, the participants of the international poetry translators’ meeting JUNIVERS will discuss her texts live and make the poems heard in many linguistic worlds. The finissage of the exhibition “drifting accumulation Minsk” curated by Iryna Herasimovitch and Marcus Reichmann will be celebrated. Artist Antonina Slobodchikova will navigate us through her project “es ist da”, which also appropriates a poem by Monika Rinck through formulaic repetition and transforms it into collages, objects and video works.

With: Nicholas Grindell, Cecilia Hansson, Mohammad Hemati, Iryna Herasimovich, Dong Li, Camille Luscher, Ton Naaijkens, Monika Rinck, Antonina Slobodchikova. Moderation: Marie Luise Knott.

Curation: Aurélie Maurin. Project management: Peter Dietze.

JUNIVERS is a project of the TOLEDO programme of the German Translator’s Fund in cooperation with the Literary Colloquium Berlin and the Poetry Festival Berlin – funded by Neustart Kultur and the Stiftung Preußische Seehandlung.