The perfection of broken words

2024-07-21, 3:00 PM

Atelierraum | 7/5 € Tickets 

Two prominent Latin American poets from two generations. Although the poems of the Argentine María Negroni (born 1951 in Rosario) and Mexican Sara Uribe (born 1978 in Querétaro) differ greatly, they both pose similar questions: What does it mean to write a poem today? What means do we have to encounter words that always refer to a reality that has been fragile and deceptive for a long time?

Resembling palimpsests, Sara Uribe’s poems repeatedly fail by design. They sketch scenarios, evoke memories, and every now and again something unexpected smuggles itself into the texts like into a Trojan horse. Does a poem then subvert itself if it is written with too much bias? Can any single poem escape today’s discourse on identity? And what are the real costs of poetry when a poet has to delegate care work to write it?

María Negroni pushes her poems to the extremes of conciseness. Imbuing individual words with multiple meanings, she creates synesthesia, and initiates processes of translation between theater, art, rhetoric, and visual arts. With references to Da Vinci, Borges, and Pessoa, her lines articulate paths into a forest of mirrors, images inviting us to lose ourselves.


María Negroni and Sara Uribe in conversation with Rike Bolte

The event will be interpreted into German from Spanish. With kind support of ECHOO Konferenzdolmetschen

Project management: Timo Berger

Instituto Cervantes Berlin. poesiefestival berlin is a project of Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and Akademie der Künste and is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.