Unless the words go to seed

2024-07-17, 5:30 PM

Atelierraum | 7/5 € Tickets 

A meeting of two generations is taking place during this poetry talk: Kirils Ēcis (born 2000 in Riga) is the youngest poet of the international program and Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (born 1987 in Reykjavik) is one of the most important voices in Icelandic poetry. What unites their poetic practices is a love of experimentation and the use of different artistic disciplines.

Ēcis is a shooting star of contemporary Latvian poetry and is active as a poet, actor, scriptwriter, and member of the band ALEJAS. In an interview, he once said: “My poetic world begins where language ceases to be a system and language becomes a dance.” His poems zoom in on that brief yet intense time between childhood and adulthood. They do nothing less than fervently celebrate turmoil and zones of ambivalence, from armpit hair suddenly sprouting up to the first love that turns into an obsession. The brief joy of secret escapades is as present in these lines as the tragedy of sudden death that tears apart the delicate bonds of friendship.

Airy spirits, glimmering crows, flesh rocks: Ásta Fanney’s poems oscillate between the sagas and pop culture, between fantasy and nature writing. Her lines cover the page like lichens on the wall of a house. References to mineral and organic matter intertwine and invoke the nature of Iceland, within which the poetic voice embeds itself. Her lines are littered with signposts, border beacons, flashing lights, and flowers that bring the reader on a journey through dream and waking, truth and illusion.


Kathrin Bach in conversation with Kirils Ēcis and Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir.

The event will be interpreted into German from English. With kind support by ECHOO Konferenzdolmetschen.

Project management: Timo Berger

Icelandic Literature Center, Latvian Literature, European poetry platform Versopolis, funded by the Creative Europe Programm of the European Union. poesiefestival berlin is a project of Haus für Poesie in cooperation with silent green Kulturquartier and Akademie der Künste and is funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.