Uribe, Sara

Sara Uribe (c) Alejandro Meter

Sara Uribe, born in 1978 in Querétaro, is a Mexican poet who explores the relationship between poetry, the body, ethics, and politics. Her most recent books include: the essay “Rosario Castellanos: Materia que arde” (2023, Eng.: Rosario Castellanos: Matter that Burns), the poetry books „Un montón de escritura para nada“ (2021, Eng.: A Pile of Writing for Nothing) and„Antígona González“(Paperback 2016, translated by John Pluecker). Uribe has conducted creative writing workshops and worked as a university professor in academic writing and literature. She has been awarded two national poetry prizes in Mexico and is currently a a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte de México.

Festival Content


The perfection of broken words

Atelierraum | 7/5 € Tickets 

Two prominent Latin American poets from two generations. Although the poems of the Argentine María Negroni (born 1951 in Rosario) and Mexican Sara Uribe (born 1978 in Querétaro) differ greatly, they both pose similar questions: What does it mean to write a poem today? What means do we have to encounter words that always refer to a reality that has been fragile and deceptive for a long time?

Negroni, MaríaUribe, SaraBolte, Rike


For history is a wicked stepmother when memory is orphaned

Kuppelhalle | 9/7 € Tickets

How does history become embedded in poetry? And how do poets engage with traces of collective or individual memories while addressing the traumas of entire societies that span across generations? What happens with historical sources in poetic work and how does poetry’s power of imagination change the experience of history? Writing Histories introduces four poets who dive deep into history within their texts and explore its diverse impacts on the present.

Kandé, SylvieKiyanovska, MariannaUribe, SaraVlada, Miruna