Schwamb, Fabian

Fabian Schwamb, born in 1992 in Marburg, lives in Freiburg, where he studied Latin and French (teaching degree), while presenting his poetry and prose as a member of the literary performance group “FAST | WAS”. Winner of the “Textstreich 2023/24”. His poems are published in “The Freiburg Review”, “Jack” and “manuskripte”.

Festival Content

Readings on the green

1 – 7 PM | outdoor area silent green | Free entry

The heart of the festival set against a summery backdrop: 40 readings on the festival’s final weekend in silent green’s garden. On Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm to 7 pm, you can listen with a soft drink or beer in your hand to poetry from insider tips and award-winning poets and discover new texts together on the lawn in front of the old building.


13:00–13:15 Slata Roschal 

13:15–14:00 Lyrik aus Singapur mit Jennifer Anne Champion, Jonathan Chan und Laura Jane Lee 

14:00–14:15 Rim Battal 

14:15–14:30 Mathias Traxler 

14:30–15:00 Yevgeniy Breyger, Hendrik Jackson, Ilma Rakusa und Anja Utler lesen Übersetzungen von Gedichten Marina Zwetajewas  

15:00–15:15 Karima Shabrang

15:15–15:30 Sandra Burkhardt 

15:30–15:45 Heinz Peter Geißler 

15:45–16:00 Miedya Mahmod 

16:00–16:15 Georg Leß 

16:15–16:30 Fabian Schwamb 

16:30–16:45 Ferdinand Schmatz 

16:45–17:00 Ana Rocío Jouli

17:00–17:15 Ralph Tharayil 

17:15–17:30 Hannah Beckmann 

17:30–17:45 John Sauter 

17:45–18:30 Lyrik aus Kirgistan mit Aigul Adisova, Gulzada Stanalieva und Nurima Ozurbaeva 

18:30–18:45 Jonathan Garfinkel

18:45–19:00 Christian Filips 



Geißler, Heinz PeterLeß, GeorgSchwamb, FabianSchmatz, FerdinandRocío Jouli, AnaBeckmann, HannahFilips, ChristianRoschal, SlataChampion, Jennifer AnneChan, JonathanLee, Laura JaneBattal, RimTraxler, MathiasBreyger, YevgeniyJackson, HendrikRakusa, IlmaUtler, AnjaShabrang, KarimaBurkhardt, SandraMahmod, MiedyaTharayil, RalphSauter, JohnGarfinkel, Jonathan