Sauter, John

(c) Alena Sternberg

John Sauter was born in Freiberg / Saxony in 1984, studied journalism and art history in Leipzig and language arts in Vienna. He lives as an author and musician (‘Johnny Katharsis’) in Leipzig. In 2019, he received the Startstipendium for Literature. His poetic debut “Startrampen” (Edition fabrik.transit) was published in the same year. The volume “Zone” (Voland & Quist, edition AZUR) followed in 2021. With “GEISTER” (Voland & Quist, edition AZUR), he published a powerful third volume of poetry in autumn 2023.

Festival Content

Readings on the green

1 – 7 PM | outdoor area silent green | Free entry

The heart of the festival set against a summery backdrop: 40 readings on the festival’s final weekend in silent green’s garden. On Saturday and Sunday from 1 pm to 7 pm, you can listen with a soft drink or beer in your hand to poetry from insider tips and award-winning poets and discover new texts together on the lawn in front of the old building.


13:00–13:15 Slata Roschal 

13:15–14:00 Lyrik aus Singapur mit Jennifer Anne Champion, Jonathan Chan und Laura Jane Lee 

14:00–14:15 Rim Battal 

14:15–14:30 Mathias Traxler 

14:30–15:00 Yevgeniy Breyger, Hendrik Jackson, Ilma Rakusa und Anja Utler lesen Übersetzungen von Gedichten Marina Zwetajewas  

15:00–15:15 Karima Shabrang

15:15–15:30 Sandra Burkhardt 

15:30–15:45 Heinz Peter Geißler 

15:45–16:00 Miedya Mahmod 

16:00–16:15 Georg Leß 

16:15–16:30 Fabian Schwamb 

16:30–16:45 Ferdinand Schmatz 

16:45–17:00 Ana Rocío Jouli

17:00–17:15 Ralph Tharayil 

17:15–17:30 Hannah Beckmann 

17:30–17:45 John Sauter 

17:45–18:30 Lyrik aus Kirgistan mit Aigul Adisova, Gulzada Stanalieva und Nurima Ozurbaeva 

18:30–18:45 Jonathan Garfinkel

18:45–19:00 Christian Filips 



Geißler, Heinz PeterLeß, GeorgSchwamb, FabianSchmatz, FerdinandRocío Jouli, AnaBeckmann, HannahFilips, ChristianRoschal, SlataChampion, Jennifer AnneChan, JonathanLee, Laura JaneBattal, RimTraxler, MathiasBreyger, YevgeniyJackson, HendrikRakusa, IlmaUtler, AnjaShabrang, KarimaBurkhardt, SandraMahmod, MiedyaTharayil, RalphSauter, JohnGarfinkel, Jonathan