Poets´ Corner in Marzahn
wir erkunden die stunden des tages wie fremde planeten
Performance by the U8 collective: 3 – 6 pm
Bezirkszentralbibliothek Mark-Twain, Marzahner Promenade 54 / 55, 12679 Berlin | Free entry
We follow poetic traces and references to the past and the future, and observe them in their making and during their growth: With its actions, the U8 collective enters into a dialogue with its surroundings. Writing lyrical poetry in chalk, they create texts which resonate in the urban space, on the street and in squares, which enable different perspectives, and which remain close and tangible until the next rain shower. Fleeting as these creations may be, they lead us to further poetic approaches, which will continue the evening as part of a reading from 6 pm.